The competition

3 teams competed against each other with the objective of traveling across the country in the most sustainable way possible. During the journey, each team had a budget in 'Climas' (fictitious currency) to manage.

The competition1

Game rules

Throughout the trip, each team had a budget in Climasto manage.

Each team's goal was to spend as few climas as possible.
During the competition, the teams overcame various challenges where they had the opportunity to involve the population in the game and recover some “climas” as a reward for their positive impact.
The winning team was the one that reached the end with the most sustainable route, i.e. the one that spent the least amount of “climas”.
As a prize, they had the opportunity to travel to Dubai in December 2023 and take part in COP 28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

The Teams

TERRA Terra (Earth) is the solid element, composed of rocks, minerals, soil and arable land. It is the physical foundation on which life develops and plays a crucial role in sustaining Earth's ecosystems.
AR Ar (air) is the mixture of gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere acts as a protective layer that absorbs much of the solar radiation, regulating the Earth's temperature.
ÁGUA Água (water) is an essential element for all forms of life on Earth. It covers about 71% of our planet's surface, is a habitat for a variety of aquatic species and plays an important role in regulating the global climate.
Bernardo Neves
Bernardo Neves
23 years old | Lisboa
Francisca Costa
Francisca Costa
24 years old | Braga
Mariana Gomes
Mariana Gomes
22 years old | Porto
Diogo Mendes
Diogo Mendes
22 years old | Beja
Francisco Paupério
Francisco Paupério
28 years old | Porto
Rita Figueiredo
Rita Figueiredo
20 years old | Portalegre
Rita Sousa
Rita Sousa
27 years old | Coimbra
Isabel Ruivo
Isabel Ruivo
24 years old | Lisboa
Afonso Pereira
Afonso Pereira
19 years old | Lisboa
Luís Paixão
Luís Paixão
61 years old | Lisboa
Rafaela de Melo
Rafaela de Melo
27 years old | Aveiro
Vitória Carneiro
Vitória Carneiro
23 years old | Lisboa /Brasil

The Journey

Learn about the teams' route. The 3 teams set off from Cascais on September 18, in different directions, but all had to pass through the 7 partner municipalities of the Climate Journey: Cascais, Famalicão, Faro, Gouveia, Odemira, Portimão and Viana do Castelo.

Log Book

GOUVEIA - SEPTEMBER 19th | Subject: Water
Part 1: "If I were the kingfisher" / Part 2: "I run my house".
The Municipality of Gouveia has identified a water management problem in Aldeias, a parish in the municipality with around 340 inhabitants served by 3 streams, and it is there that Part 1 of the Water team's challenge will take place. The activity will be carried out together with some senior citizens who live in Aldeias, valuing them, giving them a voice and taking advantage of their knowledge of the region and the evolution of habits, taking stock of the situation, thinking about possible solutions and designing the solution and the proposal to be delivered to the Aldeias Parish Council. Part 2 of the challenge will be carried out with a class from the Instituto de Gouveia - Escola Profissional participating in the COP and will consist of an awareness-raising session, using sociology techniques, on sustainable habits and water management in a domestic context. The day will end with a visit to CERVAS.
VIANA DO CASTELO - SEPTEMBER 19th | Subject: Water
Viana do Castelo, the Lima River and coastal erosion: Problems and why change is needed!
Workshop/awareness-raising session with local communities on coastal erosion and climate change in the riverside area, establishing an emotional connection with the topic and highlighting the importance of riverside ecosystems for the municipality of Viana do Castelo and its populations.
ODEMIRA - SEPTEMBER 19th | Subject: Water
The Water and Me
Lecture/workshop at a school in Odemira with the aim of raising participants' awareness of their water footprint and disseminating good practices for better management of water consumption.
*Climate Balance = Initial Budget - Climate Consumed - Penalties

The Project

Viagem pelo Clima is a competition developed within the framework of Cooler World - a movement created by Get2C, with the aim of informing and inspiring the population towards Carbon Neutrality and a more sustainable life.


  1. Mobilize Portuguese society for the urgent climate transition in an appealing and challenging way.
  2. Contribute to the mobilization of Portuguese municipalities on the path to decarbonization.
  3. Demonstrate the influence of each person's lifestyle on their carbon footprint and water footprint, analyzing the impact that their daily choices (transport, food and water consumption) have on the Planet.
Image with trees and a cloud (Co2)

Our daily choices have the power to influence the course of the planet.

Mini cop

It is an ideas contest aimed at 9th-grade students from schools in partner municipalities. The students were challenged to form teams and submit 2 ideas: how to make their municipality more sustainable and to imagine a national project that contributes to change the country.

The results

The results

Viagem pelo clima


Fátima Lopes

Fátima Lopes

Host of television

Conceição Zagalo

Conceição Zagalo

Social Entrepreneur | Teacher | Communicator


Ana Milhazes

Sociologist | Activist | Author of the blog “Ana, Go Slowly”


Catarina Matos

Founder and CEO of Mind the Trash

Afonso borga

Afonso Borga

Social Responsibility Manager | Social Entrepreneur

Francisco Araújo

Francisco Araújo

Civic Entrepreneur | Teacher | Founder of 'Os 230

Follow Viagem pelo Clima on social media

Em 2021, em parceria com a Earth Watchers, levmos 3 equipas a competir entre si, numa viagem de Lisboa a Glasgow, da forma mais sustentvel possvel e com o maior impacto positivo nas suas comunidades.Tambm levaram consigo um oramento em Climas e todos
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Se achas que este desafio  para ti, fica atent@ porque as candidaturas vo abrir brevemente! A Viagem pelo Clima  um projeto no mbito do Cooler World, um Movimento rumo  neutralidade carbnica.#COP28 #climatechange #alteraesclimticas#desenvolvimentosus
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De norte a sul de Portugal, a viagem pelo Clima que te vai levar  COP 28, no Dubai!Novidades brevemente. #COP28 #climatechange #alteraesclimticas#desenvolvimentosustentavel #descarbonizacao#neutralidadecarbonica #carbonneutrality#decarbonization #sus
De norte a sul de Portugal, a viagem pelo Clima qu...

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